Distinguished ladies and gentlemen!
Protocols Observed!!
First and foremost, I must commend the efforts of Sympathy Worldwide Foundation [SWWF] in joining the government in solving one of society’s problems.
Our administration believes in Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR] in making our people and environment better than how we met them.
Before I go to the topic before me today, it is imperative to address the theme for this year’s campaign which is “War against Prostitution” and equally identify the causative factors of this social menace which will help this organization to achieve its target goals.
I will like to inform this gathering that, acts of prostitution is a spiritual matter that needs spiritual weapon to wage war against it. I must confess that war against prostitution is a winnable war if the right weapons are used and right steps taken.
In medical discipline, no disease can be cured until the ailment is diagnosed. What are the factors that breed prostitution in our society? Why are young ladies with promising future suddenly turning to commercial sex – workers? Perhaps we would find answers to the aforementioned questions in the underlined factors.
Without a doubt, poor children upbringing inculcates in children different social vices. All acts of learning starts from the home that explains, the reason why parents and guardians should rise up to their duties. The bible says, “train up a child the way he should go, when he grows up he would not depart from it.” Home sets foundation for children’s character formation and patterns of life therefore, if the foundation is destroyed, what will the righteous do?
Social interaction is another factor that predisposes young ladies to prostitution. The peer group influence cannot be over-emphasized in this regard as the saying goes, “show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.”The friends we keep play vital roles in attitude formation, therefore, I implore our children here present to say no when a friend entices you to do evil and immoral practices.
As a matter of fact, we cannot rule out the effect of economic decadence on the people. Research shows that a lot of secondary school leavers and unemployed young graduates indulge in prostitution as a means of survival, forgetting the adverse effect of their action. Prostitution will only give temporary solution to immediate problems leaving one in life time of regret and psychological trauma.
Ladies and gentlemen, the psychological damage on the prostituted people and the society at large anchors on the following factors:
*Prostitution leads to inferiority complex and low self esteem.
*It leads to loss of integrity and individual virtues.
*Prostitution brings about social-maladjusted youths in the society.
*Acts of prostitution is cancerous to human vision, dreams and goals.
*Prostitution develops psychological imbalance in the prostitutes. Hence they find it difficult to settle down in marriage.
*Prostitutes see themselves as misfits to the society and as well feel rejected.
However, aside from the psychological damage of prostitution to the people, it could lead to infection with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as: Syphilis, Staphylococcus, Gonorrhea and HIV/AIDS, which shortens life span.
Distinguished guests, permit me to inform this gathering that, His Excellency, Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola, (SAN) the Executive Governor of Lagos State has joined you in this crusade. Recently, the Lagos State Government declared war against nude clubs and brothels in order to bring prostitution to barest minimum while human empowerment programmes are being initiated to help both the haves and have not.
In addition, our administration in Amuwo Odofin Local Government has not relented in this regard. We empower our people educationally and support them socially to fulfill their God given talents, and aspirations. Free 500 JAMB forms and 600 GCE forms were given to the indigent students within Amuwo Odofin environs.
Also, four hundred and thirty (430) jobs of which both the learned and unlearned were the beneficiaries with minimum stipends of N10,000 paid to each of them monthly, we have collaborated with various organizations such as NANTAP and Be Kool Afrique in marking their anniversary and exhibition programme.
I make bold to inform you that we run responsive government to believe in good governance, listen to the plight of our people and implement people oriented programmes, it is only left to our youths to channel their energy towards productive and constructive activities that would help them in fulfilling their goals as well contribute to the development of our society. Thanks and God bless you all.
Long live Sympathy Worldwide Foundation.
Amuwo Odofin and Eko O ni baje O!
Comrade Ayodele Adewale.
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